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作者:lsx,2015-11-24,编辑:佚名,浏览量: 次


此次,鲍尔州立大学派出的两位英语教师Shane Lanning和Tiffany Ellis,对实验班同学进行了三周的英语培训。通过此次培训,同学们了解了美国文化及美方学校的基本信息,加强和提高了英语技能尤其是听说方面的水平,为下一学年赴美学习做好准备。

美国鲍尔州立大学国际学术交流与全球发展中心主任Reed Lin、新奥葡萄京公司领导、经济与管理学院领导、国际合作与交流处负责人、两位美方教师及两个学院实验班的全体同学出席了此次活动。集团2015级计算机科学与技术专业(121项目实验班)员工甘乙均担任主持。鲍尔州立大学的两位教师Shane Lanning和Tiffany Ellis对这三周的教学进行了总结并表达了对新奥葡萄京的美好祝愿。计算机科学与信息学院及经济与管理学院的领导、美国鲍尔州立大学的Reed Lin女士及两位教师为同学们颁发了结课证书,在场的同学们欣喜之情溢于言表最后是课程成果展示,同学们积极地为在场的每一位嘉宾介绍自己的作品,至此,2015级中美合作班英语培训完美落幕。 


English Training for 2015 Sino-American Cooperation Program Closed Successfully

November 20thsaw a successful closing ceremony of English training for 2015 Sino-American Cooperation Programme (121 dual degree programme) on the new campus ofChongqingNormalUniversity. This programme is a brand-new Sino-American higher education cooperation programme, collaborated and administrated by China International Exchange Association under the Ministry of Education (CEAIE),ChinaCenterfor International Education Exchange (CCIEE) and Association of American State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). Cooperating withBallStateUniversity,ChongqingNormalUniversityconstructs its experimental classes in two colleges: Computer and Information Science, Economy and Management.

Shane Lanning and Tiffany Ellis are two English training teachers sent byBallStateUniversity. Through the three-week training, the students have got some basic knowledge about American culture and Ball State University, strengthened and improved their English skills, especially oral and listening aspects, thus well-prepared for studying abroad next academic year.

Reed Lin, Director of International Academic Engagement and Global Initiatives fromBallStateUniversity, Leaders from the two colleges, officials from International Office, two American teachers and all the trainees attended the ceremony, which was hosted by Gan Yijun, a student from the experimental class of theCollegeofComputerand Information Science. Shane Lanning and Tiffany Ellis made a conclusion of the three-week training and expressed their best wishes forChongqingNormalUniversity. Leaders from the both colleges, Reed Lin and the two teachers conferred certificates to the trainees, whose happiness was beyond description. The last section was final project show, and the students introduced their achievement, after which the English training for 2015 Sino-American cooperation programme closed successfully.



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