科研方向 |
类别 |
姓名 |
代表性学术成果 |
教育大数据与感知应用 |
带头人 |
魏延 |
1、面向3C产品智能制造设备及关键技术及其产业化,重庆市科技进步奖三等奖,魏延,6/7,2018 |
2、Yan Wei,Xiao Wu. JAA New Fuzzy SVM based on the Posterior Probability Weighting Membership, Journal of Computers,2012,7(6):1385-1392 2012.05 EI |
3、数字教育众筹众创的个性化服务平台研发及应用(cstc2019jscx-mbdxX0061),2019重庆市科技局技术创新重点项目,魏延,主持,2019.9-2022.9 |
学术骨干 |
唐万梅 |
1、基于物联网的空巢老人智慧家居研究与设计,横向项目(雏鹰计划),20201 |
2、基于慕课讨论区疑难知识点的辅助教学资源建设及应用——以Python语言程序设计为例,通讯作者,计算机教育,2020,(06) |
3、Python程序设计课程思政方法与实践,通讯作者,软件导刊,2021,20(07) |
罗凌 |
Luo L, Yang Y, Chen Z, et al. Identifying Opinion Leaders with Improved Weighted LeaderRank in Online Learning Communities[J]. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2018, 14(2): 193-201 EI |
罗凌,杨有,马燕.基于模糊C均值的在线协作学习混合分组研究[J].计算机工程与应用,2017(16):68-73.CSCD |
自适应移动学习系统关键技术研究(NO:KJ1400512),重庆市教委科学技术研究项目,罗凌,主持,2014.1-2016.7 |
牛彦敏 |
1、Yanming Niu.Myocardium detection by deep SSAE feature and within-class neighborhood preserved support vector classifier and regressor, Sensors, 2019, 19(8): 1766-1-24.SCI |
2、Yanming Niu.Structured graph regularized shape prior and cross-entropy induced active contour model for myocardium segmentation in CTA images, Neurocomputing, 2019, 357: 215-230. SCI |
3、牛彦敏,重庆市线上一流课程《操作系统》,主持。 |
訾玲玲 |
1、Lingling Zi, Junping Du, et al. Perception-driven resizing for dynamic image sequences. Computer Science and Information Systems, 2013, 10(3):1343-1357. (SCI检索) |
2、国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目:基于内容感知的RGB-D视频非规则形状缩放方法研究(61702241),2018.01−2020.12,主持 |
3、訾玲玲,丛鑫,彭晏飞. 三维模型创建方法及装置[P]. 辽宁省:CN108492362B,2021-10-19.,已授权 |
曾攀 |
1、Zeng P, Sheng C, Jin M. A learning framework based on weighted knowledge transfer for holiday load forecasting. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2019, 7(2):329-339 SCI |
2、Zeng P, Jin M. Peak load forecasting based on multi-source data and day-to-day topological network. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(6):1374-1381.SCI |
3、Zeng P, Wu D, Jin M. Compress-filtering and transfer-expanding of data set for short-term load forecasting. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IEEE, 2017, 1095-1101 CCF-C类会议 |
计算机视觉与模式识别 |
带头人 |
崔少国 |
1、ShaoguoCui, Dong C. Liu. Noise Reduction of Ultrasonic Elastography UsingTransmit-side Frequency Compounding: A Preliminary Study[J]. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2011, 58(3):509-516.(SCI检索:000288674700004) |
2、Cui Shaoguo,Yan Wei. Unsupervised cross-domain self-adaptive medical image segmentation method based on deep adversarial learning. 专利号:2020103905, 授权时间: 2021年1月27日 |
3、崔少国. 基于深度级联卷积网络的MRI脑肿瘤定位与瘤内分割方法. 专利号:ZL201810300057.1,授权时间:2021年11月19日 |
学术骨干 |
余磊 |
1、细粒度特征的深度学习框架下多聚焦图像融合方法研究,重庆市自然科学基金,面上,202109 |
2、Sparse multiple maximum scatter difference for dimensionality reduction,第一作者,Digital Signal Processing,201701 |
3、The incentive effect of venture capital in bilateral partnership systems with the bias mono-stable Cobb-Douglas utility,第一作者,NONLINEAR DY NAMICS,201903 |
张文锋 |
1、Wenfeng Zhang, Lei Huang, Zhiqiang Wei, Jie Nie. Appearance Feature Enhancement for Person Re-identification[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 163: 113771. |
2、Wenfeng Zhang, Zhiqiang Wei, Lei Huang, Kezhen Xie, Qibing Qin. Adaptive Attention-Aware Network for Unsupervised Person Re-identification[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 411: 20-31. |
3、Wenfeng Zhang, Lei Huang, Zhiqiang Wei, Qibing Qin, Lei Lv. Angular Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaption on Person Re-Identification[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021: 1-16. |
皮家甜 |
1、基于多模态特征融合的轻量级人脸活体检测方法,第一作者,计算机应用,2020,40(12) |
2、Online Visual Tacking of Weighted Multiple Instance Learning via Neutrosophic Similarity-Based Objectness Estimation,Symmetry-Basel,201906 |
3、结合信息增益率和K-means聚类的协同训练算法,通讯作者,新奥葡萄京学报(自然科学版),202005 |
黎天送 |
1、Tiansong Li, Li Yu, HongKui Wang, Zhuo Kuang. A bit allocation method based on inter-view dependency and spatio-temporal correlation for multi-view texture video coding. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 2020, 67(1): 159-173.SCI |
2、Tiansong Li, Hongkui Wang, Yamei Chen, Li Yu. Fast depth intra coding based on spatial correlation and rate distortion cost in 3D-HEVC. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2020, 80: 115668.SCI |
3、Tiansong Li, Li Yu, HongKui Wang, Yamei Chen. Fast depth intra coding based on texture feature and spatio-temporal correlation in 3D-HEVC. IET Image Processing, 2021, 15(1): 206-217.SCI |
翟浩 |
1、翟浩,庄毅. 利用拉普拉斯能量和CNN的多聚焦图像融合方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2020,52 (5): 137-147. EI |
2、Hao Zhai, Yi Zhuang, Multifocus image fusion method based on a convolutionalneural network. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2019, 28(2) (023018). SCI |
3、Hao Zhai, Yi Zhuang, Multi-focus image fusion method using energy of Laplacian and a deep neural network. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(6): 1684-1694. SCI |
智能计算与复杂系统 |
带头人 |
吕佳 |
1、High-resolution dermoscopy image synthesis with conditional generative adversarial networks, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2021,(64) SCI |
2、A co-training method based on entropy and multi-criteria, Applied Intelligence,2021,51(6) |
3、Divide-and-Conquer ensemble self-training method based on probability difference, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,2020,(4) |
学术骨干 |
董玉民 |
1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:基于量子随机游走的分布并行智能处理的理论和方法;项目编号:61772295;起止日期:2018.01-2021.12;直接经费:61万元;主持人。 |
2、An improved hybrid quantum optimization algorithm for solving nonlinear equations;期刊:Quantum Information Processing;发表日期:2021.3.15;SCI检索。本人位置,1/2,通讯作者。 |
3、Application of fractional theory in quantum back propagation neural network;期刊:MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES;发布日期:2021.5.25;本人1/5,通信作者 |
杨德刚 |
1、带耦合时滞复杂网络的同步及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金,专项,杨德刚,主持,2009 |
2、Degang Yang.Global exponential stability of memristive neural networks with impulse time window and time-varying delays,NEUROCOMPUTING,SCI,2016 |
3、周勋,杨德刚,冯骥.基于多感受野拉普拉斯生成对抗网络的单幅图像超分辨率重建算法[J].计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2021,33(10):1504-1513. |
陈勇 |
1、李锐,陈勇,余磊.基于帧差能量图行质量向量的步态识别算法[J].计算机应用,2014,34(05):1364-1368. |
2、徐太平,陈勇.抗合谋攻击的门限混合代理多重签名方案[J].计算机工程与应用,2013,49(14):73-76+97. |
3、崔子越,皮家甜,陈勇,杨杰之,鲜焱,吴至友,赵立军,曾绍华,吕佳.结合改进VGGNet和Focal Loss的人脸表情识别[J].计算机工程与应用,2021,57(19):171-178. |
张万里 |
1、通信受限网络系统的有限时间控制与控制优化及其在保密通信中的应用,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,202012 |
2、非线性耦合网络的二部同步研究,重庆教委科技项目,青年,202007 |
3、Cluster stochastic synchronization of complex dynamical networks via fixed-time control scheme,第一作者,Neural Networks,2020,(124) |
从鑫 |
1、国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目:基于拍卖和域能的企业级虚拟网络映射研究(61602227),2017.01--2019.12,主持 |
2、Xin Cong, Lingling Zi, Ding-zhu Du. DTNB: A Blockchain Transaction Framework With Discrete Token Negotiation for the Delay Tolerant Network. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 8(2):1584-1599, 2021 (SCI检索) |
3、丛鑫,訾玲玲,沈学利.基于最佳匹配拍卖的企业级网络资源分配策略.通信学报,2019,40(08):212-222. (EI检索) |
智慧教育与教育机器人 |
带头人 |
马燕 |
1、《双一流视野下研究生创新能力培养与评价——基于SEM的研究》,专著,主编,2020 |
2、马燕(1/5),基于AHP的教师教育学科群评价指标体系研究[J].现代教育管理,2021(07):81-88.(CSSCI) |
3、基于SNA的教师教育学科群关系网络与评价研究(yjg201009),重庆市研究生教改重大项目,2020-2022,主持 |
学术骨干 |
李明勇 |
1、李明勇(1/5)Ma,"Multimodal Emotion Recognition Model Based on a Deep Neural Network with MultiobjectiveOptimization", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,vol. 2021,Article ID 6971100,10pages, 2021.(SCI) |
2、李明勇(1/5) Degang Yang, "DeepUnsupervised Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval Using Knowledge DistillationMode1",Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2021,Article ID 5107034, 11 pages,2021.(SCI) |
3、基于生成对抗网络的深度跨模态哈希检索算法研究(KJQN201900520),重庆市教委科技项目,2019.9-2022.9, 主持 |
兰晓红 |
1、基于单超声波传感器的全方位避障智能浇水机器人及控制方法,发明专利,ZL 2019 1 0053733.4,2021 |
2、“人工智能+教育”复合型公司产品模式探索与实践(yjg202020),重庆市研究生教改重点项目,2020-2022,主持 |
3、3D创造工厂(201901110023),教育部协同育人项目,2019-2021,主持 |
杨雨浓 |
1、学分制背景下学业预警机制研究及移动辅助系统构建,重庆市教育委员课题,2014 |
2、融合深度学习和概率编程的高校课堂表情状态研究,重庆市高教学会课题,2017 |
3、基于课堂表情与姿态大数据的高校教学质量评价与实证研究,重庆市教委科技项目,2017 |